Salé Sharifi . Visual Artist ​​​​​​​

My interest in history has always been instructive and motivating for me. This collection started from this interest. In this way, the presence of «Howz» in some historical narrations attracted my attention. On the other hand, the Howz, whose fountain is open, has a repetitive cycle that, although beautiful, is completely absurd! And it reminded me of «us». The Howz, whose fountain is off, does not even have the same cycle of repetition, and is on par with the passivity that reminded me of «us.» The inseparability of the Howz from garden fascinated me to Iranian garden. The theme of the garden is amazing considering its thousands of years old in this land. In a nutshell, the establishment of gardens in a waterscarce country, or the relationship between the garden and paradise, the sultan and the god, needs to be examined in detail. In this collection, I have removed the mansions so that the gardens dominate by images, However, basically, each work is influenced by a place and has references to events, happenings or personalities from the socio-political history of Iran. Everything revolves around a general content: what was glorious is no more. bygone glory.